NEW ! Peace Circles at Bandon Library ! 

BIG has been holding weekly Peace Circles on Zoom for several months. We are looking to expand this offering to include people wanting an in-person experience. We will begin by holding a hybrid Zoom/in-person at the Bandon Library Logan Room on Tuesday, August 2, 4:45-5:45 pm. Our hope is to continue with that day and time on an ongoing basis. 

These guided meditations are intended to help us calm our reactivity to the stress of being witness to a world where violence, environmental calamity, blatant racism and generalized insanity appear to be unstoppable. Instead of closing down and feeling alone, holding our suffering in endless mental loops, we can experience deep resting into openness. We can become friends with our own innate strength, courage and good heart and join with others in our community in these explorations. 

It has been shown that when people focus collectively on their own and their community’s well being, it enhances social interactions, promotes public safety, and cultivates respect between neighbors. Communities thrive when these qualities are encouraged, practiced and made real in our everyday life. 

If the summer winds cooperate, there may be opportunities for walking mediation in the park at the same day and time. Other Peace Circles dates could be organized based on interest. 

Please join us in this action for peace – get to know your BIG community, invite a friend!

Amy, Andrew, Angie, Gabriela, Jeannie, Micky, Phyllis, William 

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